Monday, July 22, 2024


Hundreds of boys and girls from Kashmir Valley and other parts of J and K State study outside the State and qualify every year as Engineers, MBAs and other professions, under PMs scholarship scheme and other financing modes of GOI. Most of the qualified guys go back to valley hoping to get a govt job; which is a remote possibility. The qualified youth thus, remain unemployed indefinitely, in spite of the fact, that GOI spend considerable amount in educating them. Most of them come from rural backgrounds, they need to be guided to the right path.

Well begun is half done ! They need after care by Central / State Governments :

01) Create Pool of Qualified Unemployed Youth.
  • Pay each one of them "unemployment allowance of not less than 10K per month.
  • Entrust them to various Govt departments at random as " Trainees ", to pick up the fundamentals of work till they get suitable openings any where in the country.

02) Hire an HR / Head Hunter Consultants of International repute at Govt cost. should be given clear performance based mandate as:
  • Open six or more centers within J and K State, manned by Specialists within easy accessibility of Qualified youth.
  • Each center would conduct crash programs in continuity on Personality Development, English and computer operations.
  • The Consultant would hunt for job opportunities all over India and assit the Kashmiri youth till interview stage.

03) Mr Prime Minister, your genuine concern and effort in educating the Kashmiri youth is highly appreciated, but, please ensure the end result.

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