Monday, February 18, 2013

Rahul Pandita vs Pradeep Magazine- A perspective

A point of view on Rahul Pandita’s book: “Our Moon  Has Blood Clots” (Book)  vis a vis Pradeep Magazine’s ( hereinafter also referred to as “Critique”)  review published in The Hindu of Feb. 08, ’13, under the heading: “From the valley, a selective remembrance of thingspast” 

Magazine family has a genealogy of some 350 years, with a rich cultural heritage ( please visit ). The extended family is spread out in various cities of India and globally too, for existence. No member is living in Kashmir after mass exodus of Kashmiri Pandits (KP’s) in 1990 and afterwards. Our values have taught us not to address a cousin as a cousin, but, always a brother or a sister ! Pradeep is my younger brother and I love him for that relationship.

Book gives a vivid account of circumstances leading to mass exodus of KP’s in 1990 and onwards; there after impact on lives of KP’s individually and the community as a whole. Rahul Pandita’s style of writing is simple; happenings described clearly & analytically, as if reporting live from the scene.  The Book ignites the painful memories of mass exodus of KP community from  the beautiful valley and its aftermath. I find similarities of the intent behind the book  “Not Quite Cricket ,”  Pradeep Magazine wrote in 1999 & Rahul Pandita’s book –“Our Moon has Blood Clots”. Pradeep exposed betting in  cricket , which created a big sensation in international cricket circles. Many powerful vested interests criticized Pradeep and even claimed falsehood of the contents. But, truth prevailed, because Pradeep had a sincere intent to expose and prevent  a wrong doing. Rahul’s intent, as I understand, in the Book, is also to expose a wrong doing and prevent it for future.

Critique’s tone depicts anger.  History can not be forgotten by expressing anger  and books keep history alive. Rahul Pandita’s book is a true chronology of mass exodus of Kashmiri Pandits in 1990’s and its aftermath. Critique  appears to have misinterpreted or misunderstood some of the contents of the Book. For example Critique  mentions (as understood by him from the Book : “……..Kashmiri Brahmins are the only rightful inhabitants of the state….” “…..there is no place for any one other than a pure enlightened Brahmin self.” The Book no where in its 250 pages  suggests , what  Critique has understood.
Critique has quoted a cocktail of incomplete history – kabaily raid / Buddhism / Sheikh Sahib’s speech in Lal Chowk  etc.  without any connectivity to theme of the Book.  Critique  should have quoted Rajtarangni  written by Kalhana in 1148 and subsequent history till modern era, to comment knowledgeably  on Kashmir affairs.
Yes,  1984 atrocities on Sikhs, Godhra train carnage,  2002 Gujarat riots , occasional communal riots in parts of India, militancy in Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir , North East & elsewhere, Naxalite movement, attack on Parliament,  26/11, repeated attacks by terrorists here & there ( latest loss of lives in Hyderabad) etc.  in post independence era, are a blot to secular democratic republic of India.  

By quoting some such selective episodes, Critique  can not justify systematic killings of KP & Sikh minorities in Kashmir, as well as mass exodus of KP community from their home & hearth , living as refugees in their own country-India. Such linkage is irrelevant .
“Gawkadal “ happening referred by Critique, could be bad. But, what lead to that, the Critique can not stand on judgement,  as he was not present on the scene.  Loss of human lives belonging to any religion, creed or cast, is unfortunate & tragic. But, who is responsible for tragedy of Kashmir, where all the communities lost lives & peace of mind ? The “Azadi Walas”! Majority of local populace was coerced by “Azadi walas”  to repeatedly take to streets, close business & trade for indefinite periods, paralyse tourism , indulge in bandhs , hartals, arson, destroy public property,  force innocent youth to join militancy, provoke security forces with attacks from grenades, bombs , stones  and all that. Consequently, if security forces  in self  defence  or  to protect life & public property, or to maintain law & order,  were compelled to use lathis & bullets –who invited them to act? “The Azadi Walas”!  Yet, “azadi remained only a dream for “Azadiwalas”, in last 23 years and would continue to remain so, for ever.
 It has also become a  fashion to use the term “human rights” by vested interests , favouring  militants, who commit atrocities on the common human being and fight against the government. Is not the  common man or a security personnel also a human being ? Don’t they have equal “ human right” to live with dignity & peace?
 Critique  has quoted some statement  of Vijay Bakaya to strengthen  his own critique on RAHUL Pandita’s Book . Vijay is also my brother, I would not like to comment on his statement as he would have probably  given it within his responsibility &  authority as Chief Secretary of the State (now retired) .  By taking shelter of  any such official statement, if true,  one  can not justify  an entire Kashmiri Pandit community, having a few thousand years history , culture & inheritance in Kashmir,  abandoning their homes & hearth overnight and living in exile, how so ever “distinct ,ethno-cultural entity- a tiny  minority from  a muslim majority valley….,” (as described by Critique), the community may be.  There is no denying the fact that KP’s were shunted away from the valley with repeated threatening’s on loudspeakers  & otherwise, and a few hundred KP’s killed. The common Kashmiri Muslim(KM), traditionally God fearing & peace loving -misguided with assurances of instant “azadi”, once the valley was got rid of KP’s .
Critique mentions : “……….many hindus  are returning to the valley…..”. Having Expressed optimism & favourable conditions, as well as jobs  now for Hindus in the valley, would the Critique  also return to valley for good?
 Pradeep need not go deep into the valley to look at destruction or unauthorised occupation of KP property & religious places , or visit so called Migrant Camps in Jammu & elsewhere, to convince himself about sufferings  faced by KP’s due to mass exodus. Let him have a peep with open heart & mind on the agony & sufferings faced by his own extended Magazine family, who lived in one single lane at posh Karan Nagar, Srinagar, Kashmir :

a)      MAGAZINE HOUSE  ( Pradeep’s joint family home)-Quite a few family members were living there for decades in this 3 storey  about 2 kanal house. Had to run away over night leaving every thing at the mercy of God, never to return, never to recover  anything. One such family member living in Magazine House was running a reasonably successful SSI unit in Srinagar – had to abandon every thing and run away over night with two small daughters  & wife. 23 years on, he is still struggling for a living in Delhi, without a shelter of his own to live in. Magazine House itself is now in a dilapidated condition with most of the doors, windows, contents removed and roofs leaking (see photo)

b)      GOPI KUNJ ( my joint family home opposite Magazine House)- 3 storey house with 24 rooms (10 BR attached bath), a large Hall for functions, renovated in 1988/89. My father, younger brother with two small children living there permanently. Father left in last week of Dec.’89 with a small bag of clothes for his winter  holiday in the  plains. Never to see his home again, he passed away in 1996. Brother , his wife and two small kids simultaneously left for a month’s holiday in plains with just one suitcase of holiday clothes for four of them and never to return.                             

c)       GOPI KUNJ - after open loot in broad day light , was burnt to ashes on August-19, 1990 (FIR no.52 of 1990 of Police Stn. Karan Nagar u/s 436/427 RPC, 3(1)TDAP Act,( arsonists untraceable in last 23 years). The ruins remain there as a painful remembrance ,that we once had a happy home. We not only lost the home and valuable contents, but precious heritage items left by our forefathers, preserved for generations, which can never be replaced (see photos- then & now).

d)      Similar are the stories of other members of the Magazine clan,
who had homes in different parts of Srinagar.

The Critique  should have  remembered  the sufferings of his own extended family, while conveying  anger to Rahul Pandita, probably to please his friends in the valley ?

 Pradeep is an internationally acclaimed Sports Journalist, the family feels proud of his accomplishments. He must continue to achieve higher laurels in the area of his core competence., i.e. Sports Journalism, instead of fishing in troubled waters.

I would recommend to every one to go through following recent writings on the KP exodus from Kashmir, and appreciate the balanced reporting, which provides learning for those interested to write on Kashmir :
01.   Review of Rahul Pandita’s Book in Hindustan Times , dt. January-19, 2013 (scan attached)”No Place is home – Rahul Pandita’s moving memoir makes the readers acknowledge the pain of Kashmiri Pandits ………” by Manjula Narayan. Manjula has also made a mention of  her heart rendering visit to a Kashmiri Migrant Camp in Andheri Mumbai.

02.   Weekly supplement EYE  (January-13/19,’13) with Sunday edition of Indian Express dt. January-17,’13 ( scan attached) : Pictorial article highlighting emotional & physical impact of Exodus of KP’s and camaraderie between KP’s & KM’s under adversity: ”Home Alone – Omkarnath Bhat is testimony to the hope that Kashmiri Pandits will one day return to Hall, a village in South Kashmir. Until then he lives with his muslim neighbours, retelling stories of centuries old camaraderie……..”, very well written by Bashaarat Masood with creative photo support by Shuaib Masoodi.


03.   Review of Rahul Pandita’s Book in The Indian Express dt. Feb.-23, ’13, under the heading: “Blood on the Snow” by Veena Das, Professor of Anthropology at John Hopkins  University, USA (scan attached).

As “azadi” did not happen, the common KM slowly got isolated from the “azadi  movement” and bargained for peace & revival of economy. This is evident  from massive participation in last state elections, spurt in tourism and a very dim flame of “Kashmiryat” started shining again, raising optimism for peace & unity. This scenario  creates  a wishful  thinking & dreams in our minds , bringing back hopes of glory of “kashmiriyat” , sooner than later, when KP’s could return  to the valley, live with peace and honour in their homes & hearth, in unison with KM’s , sharing each other’s culture, dukh sukh of neighbourhood, congratulating each other & exchanging “tabrukh” on  festivals like “Eid” & “Herat”  , enjoying  together  badam  fly “around Hari Parbat (now grossly encroached) & Baisakhi in Mughal Gardens , with steaming hot kahwa flowing from samawars  - relished with “luchi & nadirmunje” . Let us all pray together that  past glory of Kashmiriyat gets restored  in Kashmir the “Reshvour”, the abode of holy shrines & saints adored equally in unison by KP’s & KM’s .